Friday, March 2, 2012

Harris County Deputy Jimmy George Accused of Falsifying Activity Log and Taking Payoffs

Harris County Deputy Jimmy W. George
Houston, Texas

A Harris County sheriff's douchebag deputy is now pimpin' the county jail attire, while facing charges of tampering with a government record. Investigators say Deputy Jimmy W. George was logging that he went to scenes that he did not go to.

Harris County sheriff's deputies said internal affairs division deputies conducted surveillance on George as he worked his patrol shift in northwest Harris County in December.

Detectives said they discovered that George logged into his mobile data terminal and claimed he was responding to a traffic call, but he never went to the scene.

He's also being investigated for providing protection to a local sports bar called "Craigers," recently raided by police who discovered drugs, illegal gambling and prostitution. Investigators say George was allegedly taking payoffs from the club to keep law enforcement away.They say that could be one reason Craigers was allegedly able to operate illegally for several years.

"My deputies are tasked with enforcing the law. That's what I expect from them, that's what the public expects from them," said Sheriff Adrian Garcia. "They are not above the law. Those who think they are have another thing coming because we will continue to police our own and clean house as necessary."

George's employment has been terminated. He had been with the department since December 1996.


Anonymous said...

It is still open...

Anonymous said...

find out the facts out first before blaming it on someone you don't even know. A-hole. He is a good officer and a good man.

Anonymous said...

How about the other officers that were involved or new? All they did was pick out one officer and is trying to make a example cause they don't want the public to find out how screwed up our system really is. If they were really cleaning house their would be no officers on payroll at all. Poor George

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