Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mission Police Chief Examined for Giving Away Seized Items As Gifts

Mission, Texas

Hidalgo County’s top law enforcement officials have criticized Mission’s police chief, saying he used “poor judgment” when he improperly gave away TVs and other items seized during a criminal investigation.

Chief Leo Longoria allowed the items, worth several thousand dollars, to be used as door prizes during police department and city Christmas parties. State law requires such property to be donated or sold, and the money deposited in city coffers.

Hidalgo County District Attorney Rene Guerra called the decision “a mistake” and Sheriff Lupe TreviƱo said Longoria had “poor judgment.”

In all, five TVs, two pressure washers, seven video game consoles and numerous other items were given away at the two parties, according to police records. Most of the items seized during the investigation were donated to charity or given to the city for official use, as allowed under Texas law.


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