Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sugar Land Police Officer Accused of Fictitious Police Report

Sugar Land, Texas

A woman is arrested and charged with aggravated assault against a police officer. The details against her are disturbing and violent, but are they true?

"We didn't do anything wrong and they put him (her 14-year-old son) on the ground and they had guns facing at him," said Yolanda Reed.

Reed is accused of running over a Sugar Land Police officer, with her son in the car, in the parking lot of Sugar Land Methodist Hospital on April 26.

Less than 2 weeks after being charged with aggravated assault on a public servant, Reed was no-billed by a grand jury: case closed, case thrown out.

Sugar Land Police confirm there is hospital surveillance video of the incident. Community activist Quanell X said the tape proves Reed did not do what the police report claims.

"I'm appalled by the actions and conduct of this police officer. The district attorney's office should open up an investigation into this officer for falsifying a government document," said Quanell X.

"This lady could have landed in prison over this. If the video tape doesn't confirm what the officer wrote, somebody's not telling the truth here. The videotape isn't lying. Somebody obviously looked at this and said there's absolutely no case here," FOX 26 Legal Analyst Chris Tritico said.

Sugar Land Police Chief Doug Brinkley said he will launch an investigation into the case if Yolanda Reed files a formal complaint.


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