Thursday, October 6, 2011

Houston Police Officers Accused of Beating Again

Houston, Texas

It looks like the Houston Police Department is facing more allegations of police brutality. This, of course, comes as no surprise to Houstonians. After numerous incidents over the past year and the well-publicized surveillance video depicting officers beating teen Chad Holley.

In the latest incident, Anthony Childress is stepping forward and providing the details of an encounter with police. Sure he has tattoos, a criminal background and has spent time behind bars. However, he says that doesn’t justify the actions of Houston police officers.
He says he was riding his bike on the sidewalk in the 2300 block of Delano. That’s when two squad cars pulled up and he heard someone yell hay.

The beating, according to Childress, occurred while he stood with his hands behind his back.
"The Spanish cop he hit me with his elbow in my mouth and the tall Caucasian cop hit me in my eye and then when I hit the ground it was all four cops on me."

Childress ended up at Ben Taub Hospital. Medical documentsstate he was attacked and assaulted.
Childress was not charged with resisting arrest or assaulting a cop. An HPD spokesman confirms an internal affairs investigation is now underway.

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