Dallas County deputy sheriff James Yarbrough is enjoying a break from the hectic police pace after resigning Friday. However, if what his fellow comrades say is true, his leisure time may become more stressful soon.
Yarbrough’s resignation came after being confronted with allegations that he tipped-off a business that was going to be raided by a special task force. The business in question is an auto body shop. The special task force goes after businesses that sell counterfeit vehicle-inspection stickers and flout vehicle-inspection laws.
Sheriff Lupe Valdez said that when people know they’re going to be raided by the police, they could plan an ambush of their own, resulting in a potentially deadly situation.
“This could have been tragic for us,” Valdez said, adding that it thankfully didn’t happen in this case. “My officers could have been hurt.”
The sheriff confirms that the investigation of James Yarbrough is ongoing and could result in criminal charges if the allegations are true.
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