Sunday, June 10, 2012

Florence Police Chief Julie Elliot-Abshire Got Gun Happy: Accused of Shooting Two Pet Dogs and Into Family’s Home

Florence, Texas

Caren Vybiral says she was watching a movie with her two year old daughter Lilly when gunshots rang out. She thought they were coming from across the street.

"Thought maybe Chevron was being robbed or something. I didn't have any idea what was going on," Caren Vybiral said. "And when I walked to open the door, there was another gun shot."

Just outside of the open door, one of the family’s pet dogs Sassy was laying on the porch, covered in blood. Standing above her was Florence Police Chief Julie Elliot-Abshire. After a short exchange, Caren said the chief ran to the back yard and shot the other family dog that was locked up, a two year old pit bull named Boomer.

"I asked her what is going on."

According to Vybiral, Chief Elliot-Abshire said, “Bitch, did you not hear me knocking on your front door?”

Apparently Sassy and Boomer got out of the back yard and walked to the Chevron. A city worker called the cops to report the loose dogs. A family friend put the dogs back into the yard, but Sassy got out again.

"It got out, I'm guilty of that, but it was laying on the porch when she shot it," Caren’s mother, Louise Vybiral said.

But what truly frightens this family, one of the shots went into the home. Fragments of a bullet still lie on the windowsill.

"For an officer of the law to come up into your yard, and fire a shot, or to draw her weapon and aim it towards a home. That shot could have hurt my granddaughter or my daughter, you know. I mean the bullet is in my house," Vybiral said.

"The bullet hole is only two feet from where we were standing, so I mean, it could have been us," added Caren.

Austin television station KVUE attempted to talk with the Chief of Police, but only found a locked door.

"She doesn't need to be an officer. She's not upholding the law. Just because she wears a badge doesn't mean she can pull her gun and just shoot anything," Vybiral said.

The Williamson County Sheriff's Office said they are aware that an incident involving the police chief happened in Florence, but it's not their jurisdiction. The Texas Rangers say they are not yet involved in the case.

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