Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Harris County Sheriff’s Race Reveals Disturbing Pasts of Candidates

Houston, Texas

Two candidates, Deputy Carl Pittman and former Lt. Louis Guthrie, are eagerly working hard to obtain the coveted title of Harris County Sheriff and putting their best faces forward.

At first glance, things seem picture-perfect. However, when it comes to politics, a closer inspection can often reveal a much different picture. And that is exactly what is happening with both candidates reaching for the sheriff’s badge.

KHOU-TV in Houston has discovered that both candidates have disciplinary histories with internal affairs.

Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Carl Pittman was accused of physically abusing his wife, Kristi Pittman, on two occasions back in 2008. In a recorded interview with Internal Affairs, Kristi Pittman said:

“I was sitting on the couch and he kind of came at me and was just kind of yelling at me and stuff and I said something smart and he did hit me.”

Investigator: “Which side of your face?”

Kristi Pittman: “It was, well, it had to have been my left side because it was the left eye and it did black my eye.”

Carl Pittman received a letter of reprimand for being deceptive during the domestic violence investigation.

In speaking of the second incident, Pittman said she was punched in the rib area.

Carl Pittman denied the allegations, but a polygraph examination ordered by the Internal Affairs Division found Pittman “untruthful” when asked if he hit his wife.

Case File Documents

Former Sheriff’s Lieutenant Louis Guthrie’s disturbing past involves allegations of physical abuse and abusing police power, which led to him losing his job.

In 1999, Guthrie served a 12-day suspension for physically abusing a nightclub patron during an extra job. Then in 2009, he was cited by internal affairs for official oppression for an incident at an Humble car wash.

Guthrie’s wife claimed someone had stolen $17 from her vehicle, so she called her husband. Records show Guthrie clocked on duty early and then shut down the business with crime scene tape for the better part of an hour.

The Republican run-off election is set for July 31.

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