Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Second Houston Police Officer's Suspension Over Racial Facebook Postings Upheld

Houston, Texas

Officer Candice Bradshaw, 27, who has been an HPD officer for three years, appealed her three-day suspension without pay, but the Houston Civil Service Commission shot down her request to reduce the punishment.

She told the panel that her postings about Hondurans were intended to be taken as a joke, as evidenced by a smiling face with a wink that she added to the end of one of her postings.

Bradshaw was suspended over two messages she posted in reply to Officer Deyna Carabajal's postings that singled out Hondurans. Officer Carabajal has also been suspended.

Carabajal posted that Hondurans were drunken, violent people whom she would haul to jail for looking at her in a certain way. She also posted a photograph of her police computer that displayed confidential information about people who had called police for help.

In one reply message, Bradshaw wrote, "Hondurans are the worst? I ranked El Salvadorians (sic) #1, then Hondurans ;o) "

When another message mentioned that a Honduran had tried to kill an officer's "work wife," Bradshaw replied by posting that, "Hondurans now take the top spot!!"


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